MIT App Inventor 😍

This is the download for my app. I spent lots of time on it, and made some of my own apps on it. The two apps that I made myself that weren't required were the "Troll Clicker," and the "AI Chat Bot" apps. WARNING!!! THIS QR CODE WILL ONLY WORK ON ANDROID DEVICES!!! 

My longest line of code I have is on my "Troll Clicker" screen. While making my "Troll Clicker" app, I was very confused on how to get the code to work, so I tested things out, checked the logic, checked my variables, but it was still very confusing. I seriously wanted to make people impressed when they saw my app, so I worked hard, with help from my dad who works at USAA, and is very good with coding. In the end, I finished my app, and I'm very proud of it.

Fynn Holtorff

DATA Student

6th grade 23-24