The first ever writing assignment we did in class was on the book "Hatchet," by Gary Paulsen. At the start of the year, I wasn't the best at writing, but after we wrote this, I got better and better throughout the year. I enjoyed writing this as it was something that I read in my free time in 4th grade.

MAXWELL HOLTORFF - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023
FYNN HOLTORFF - Narrative Retelling 2023

The next writing project we did, we could choose what we wanted to write about. I wrote about a book where some crazy things happen. I sadly didn't get to finish my assignment, but what I got is very good (in my opinion).

Our third writing assignment of the year was our Memoir. We spent three (or more) weeks writing, revising, and editing it. My memoir is on something that happened to me when I was in kindergarten, but I won't spoil it for you. Read it to find out what happens!

FYNN HOLTORFF - My Persuasive Essay 2024

The fourth piece of writing we did was our Persuasive Essay. In mine, I talked about how a 4-day school week.

The final writing assignment we did was a fiction story on our monster from the beginning of the year. I haven't finished mine but it is still a good read.

FYNN HOLTORFF - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

Fynn Holtorff

DATA Student

6th grade 23-24