
About me

My Name is Steele Statton and I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. I grew up watching cars and had a an unhealthy obsession of dinosaurs. When I was 8-9 I got a huge obsession of basketball and played whenever I could, I played for many youth sports teams like in the YMCA, little league, and as of now the SOA. We won our first game this sunday which i'm glad because i went against my friend. I love Colombia since my mom is from there and got to learn spanish when I was young. I like video games, NBA, My family since everyone lets me feel better when i'm down,  my dog, and My life because I want to spend my life with family. I like wolfs, bears, and spiders because they look strong and sports. I liked pokemon for a little bit, watching videos about how to find the rarest ones, Etc.

I used to go to this CODE NINJA place but the original owner that we were friends with sold it to someone else. I did little cooking where we got kicked out because i fought over a egg mold that i hit the little girl with. My favorite NBA team would probably be minnesota timberwolves because they have been having a good playoffs run this season (2024) 0-2 the nuggets. If any kid in the future who is watching this I hope they win or i would look bad. Update they are now 2-2 .....

And also we are a undefeated team so far in the SOA and considered the most valuable team this year.


This is where Ed White is located at so pull up fr 🤺

My favorite team

Ant fr carrying his team on a bad back  🫡

My unfavorite team

Yall did not make the 2023 playoff fun.

My sunshine🤤

My pookie bear LeBron James jackson jr II. Oh  boy Oh boy, LeBron, where do I even being, The very first time I saw you, you made my eyes shimmer with your potential, the way you drive into the paint and strike fear in your opponents eyes always gets me. The way you shoot the ball into the net is so special. The way you control the ball and block shots for championships makes me shed a tear. You make Jordan seem weak by your muscles, you funnines. You make me like watching basketball, I love basketball because of you. You won against very good teams and made cleveland great again, Your signature dunk with Dwayne will always be engraved in basketball history. I love how carry your teams into championships, even tho you are old, you make the age of 39, seem like you are in your prime.

My fav Player

He good with the balls 😏

Team I used to like

Team that i will always like

Team that I think is good in the regular season but chokes in the playoffs

Team that I had a good run this playoffs.