My Robot

This is my CleaningBot that I made and helps with everyday chores and cleaning jobs and helps clean at jobs and at school and anywhere!

My Robot elevator pitch.

Hello my name is Alaiza Saballos, selling a CleaningBot that helps with everyday activities and chores around the house and could be used to help cleaning jobs work faster. Many people have problems with cleaning and sometimes aren’t able to do anything to help and many people with cleaning jobs get out of work late and don’t have time with their family or have time to do stuff at home. That's why I made a CleaningBot that helps with cleaning and organizing stuff. This robot could help clean your house and people with cleaning jobs get the job done faster and easier. CleaningBot could help people that have cleaning jobs, can’t clean and helps people clean faster and easier. If you would like to purchase this product now or want to know more about CleaningBot let me know.