This is the point we started using SketchUp. Click here to use it yourself!

To start with our 3D modeling unit, we larned how to make perfect squares/cubes by clicking and moving the mouse in a general direction, then type the dimensions and have a perfect shape.

After that, we modeled a simple house using SketchUp

We then used materials and colors to design the house.

We then used Screencast-O-Matic and scenes to record a video for YouTube

This is the point we started using Blender. Click here to use it yourself!

We then imported the house into Blender to render them.

After importing, we animated a simple spin and posted it to Youtube.

After the simple spin, we animated our house imploding and posted to Youtube

After the house we were able to model anything we wanted to.

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Then we animated another simple spin with the model.