In Multi Media (one of my tech classes) we have been working on an android app that is fun and usable for everyone. We have painting and interactive pages that are fun for kids and even adults as well. All the students made these with only tutorials ands the rest is up to us. We also had many options to add many extra things and to make our app our own which allows creative freedom and a personal app that is special to us. In my app, I have extended Hello Codi which was originally a bee we programmed to make a bee sound when touched. Instead I made many emojis each with all different sounds to make a very unexpected experience when you click one. They all have free sounds and pictures I downloaded to make it one of the hysterical pages on my app.

These are some of the images I used for Hello Codi. I used the same size and color for each emoji with different sounds every emoji so none of them are exactly the same.  They are all blue emojis that take up the exact same space each box so when you look through them none of them seem uneven.

This is the QR code to get to my app.

Here is the link to get to MIT App Inventor