Made in Adobe Firefly

This is my Vector Art page. Where I made a emoji, my ELAR monster animated etc.

Chacho's GIF😂

This is Monkey, this is him being animated to lower hims mouth. It had some lags. But for the most part its ok.

This is the original picture of Chacho

I drew this for a different class and then they made it so that it was sent to the computer. Then i fixed it and made it into a gif. Using after effects, photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

231128 ELAR Monster - Melanie Nevares.mp4

This is a video of Chacho

This is one of the videos that I made of Chacho with his mouth moving just like the GIF I added.

This is my one eyebrow raised emoji

I made this with in Adobe Illustrator. I used shapes, and the blob brush tool.

First project I did of vector art

This was made in Adobe Illuatrator