Android Apps


This was the last project we did for our Multimedia class. We created our own app, in which we added over four different apps into our own app.  We made this in the program MIT App inventor. We added four different apps into one app.

QR code for android app

This QR code should be able to access the app that I have created. This should access all four of the different apps that I created on MIT app inventor. This QR code could be scanned and be used, to use my app.

The apps that are in the app consist of, digital doodle, paint pot, hello codi, and ball bounce. Digital doodle is a blank canva that can be used to draw. Hello codi consist of a bee that will make a noise when it is clicked. Ball bounce is where a ball  is being bounced from wall to wall. Paint pot is where you can draw on a canva. And can change the type of canva being used. As well as different colors. And paintpot has had the most code than all of the other apps I've made.