My Robot

To make the robot t I used Adobe Illistrator. I used the gradient tool, pen tool, shape builder tool, and more! You can do so much with just the simple tools in Adobe illustrator.

Greetings! I am Sam Esparza. Today I believe I have something that’ll catch your eye. I’ve been able to interact with deaf children around Texas and find that it’s hard to communicate with others when most people don’t know sign language. You can settle on writing if you want, or just deal with the way it is. What if I told you there’s a secret third option? Well, I would like to introduce you to the Handy Bot! This is a bot designed for people who are deaf. It’s for all ages and user-friendly! Handy bot can do several things, Handy Bot can set reminders, translate other languages(Including sign), interact, and most importantly, communicate in sign language! Handy Bot can teach others sign language, or translate what someone is saying on screen. Handy Bot is designed to help people who are deaf. If you believe this would be a great help to people around the globe then be prepared for this life-changer for the extremely cheap price of $699.99!

This assignment had a love-hate relationship with me. It was fun but I felt I needed more time to work with it to give it the full effect. Also, I wanted to cry while making the elevator speech.