I've have been building a Multi-App. The app with the most code is Paint Pot. As the image shows. It was complicated to make this PAINT POT. The reason for why it was difficult was that half of the time MY WORK GOT DELETED AND I HAD TO REDO IT.AND IT HAD MANY CODES YOU HAD TO DO FOR EVERY BUTTON TO WORK. :(

 So there were many hardships when I made this app. But I believe that I finally completed Paint Pot. And also I made this app with MIT App Inventor

This is the starting menu when you open my app for the first time. The menu contains 7 buttons. The 5 in the middle are the games. And the bottom 2 buttons are the about and exit button. The About button has information about DATA, and everything about it.

This game is called Hello Codi! A simple and quick game where you just press the bee button and it makes a buzzing noise!! I have made the background myself in photoshop.

This is a small app that talks to you. Hence the name "Talk to me". You can type in the text box and press the Talk to me button for it to say what you have typed in. And it also makes noise when you shake your device!

This game is called  bounce ball. It is literally a game where you bounce a ball on your screen. Nothing much to it, but it is a small time passer.

Digital Doodle is a small drawing game, it is a lot like Paint Pot. Just a smaller version, but it's super fun and cute!I even made a small doodle myself as shown above.

PaintPot is a very advanced version of Digital Doodle. It has the including colors, erasing, and more! A very interesting with a very swag coloring page. Fun for the whole family!

This is my QR code for my multi-app that I've made over this semester.

Version 1