This is where I will be showing you all my work in my classes!!!


How I Cracked My Head Open 

So, it was a normal day, when I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. My mom told me that we were going to go to Home Depot and then to visit my grandmother. I was pretty excited because I loved going to Home Depot (I loved to go to the aisle of wood to smell the amazing smell of wood) and my grandmother's. While I was waiting, I was watching Spongebob Square Pants, while playing geometry dash on my mom’s phone.  I asked for a snack, so my mom had given me a bag of chips.

 After about 20 minutes, it was time to leave so I started to walk to the car. I stood at the door for about 3 minutes to finish the level I was working on. I was slowly walking to the car, it took what was supposed to be a 1-2 minute walk to an about 4 minute walk. Then I had realized that I left my jacket inside so I had to go back inside to get it. After I finally went to the car, I had dropped my mom’s phone under the car door. I had bent down to get it and while coming back up I came up with force. My head hit the corner of the car door, and then I started crying because I was about 5. My mom came around the car and asked, “What happened?” Then she saw that there was a lot of blood.

We quickly ran inside of the house so we could attempt to stop the bleeding. My mom got out the first aid kit and then got out the bandages. I thought I was about to die because I didn't know that there was a lot of blood in your body. After that, the bleeding had been slowed down to the point where it was almost as if you got an abnormal cut with a razor, but I was still crying like I was about to bleed to death.

We walked back outside, and I got in the car, still whimpering, whining and crying. We sat in the car for a minute to make sure I was okay, then we started driving to Home Depot. When we got there and walked inside, everyone was staring at me wondering what had happened. I didn't know why it was such a surprising thing at the time because it had happened to me before. This happened to me at the zoo as well. After that, my memory was kind of fuzzy. I do know that I did not have to go to the hospital because my grandma helped with it. After that, I had a HUGE headache. My grandma searched for the Tylenol but all of her Tylenol was either only for adults or it was expired, so my mom had to go to the store to get some.

EMMA WHALEY - Narrative Retelling 2023
EMMA WHALEY - My Quote and Truism Bank
EMMA WHALEY - My Persuasive Essay 2023
EMMA WHALEY - Hatchet Mini-essay


EMMA WHALEY - Ecosystem Poster Project

Social Studies

The art and artists of austria!