So the model on the left is my model done and painted in sketchup, And the model on the right is my model unpainted.

I did originally mess up and I grouped it when it wasn't supposed to be grouped. The link to Blender and Sketchup

So the model under this text is my second model! I did not have to do it cause I did the composite background(the colorful one), but I did not know that at the time.

230308 emma whaley spin 100%.mp4
230309 emma whaley spin 100% UP.mp4

<- This model on the left is my spaceship unpainted! I originally made this model for my mom.

This model on the right->

is my model painted!

I had to redo this design at least 5 times. 

230227 EMMA WHALEY PAINTED MODEL UP 1.blend0001-0300.mp4
230224 EMMA WHALEY MODERN ART 1 0001-0300.mp4
230303 emma whaley composite model_1.mp4

So when we got back from the winter break, we started 3D models and we made some cubes and after the cubes, we made this house!!! 

These cubes were the first thing we made in Sketchup for Schools! We had to stack them but I forgot.

This is my house before......

.....And this is my house after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!