100 Dollars 

It was the 23rd of February the year when covid had a big out break. I was only 7 years old and I really wanted to change my password because I didn't know the password to my computer. So if he did change it then I could put it in by myself because my dad would have to keep putting the password in every time but if he was not there at the house he would have to text my mom the password for the computer and then she would put it in so I could play video games and so if he did not change the password then he would have to keep doing that. So he did change the password to my birthday and so now I could put in the password by myself.

So now that I did not have to ask my dad to put in my password so because of that it was a lot quicker when I wanted to play video games. I also got to play a lot more video games because of covid I only had one hour of school. The video games I played were mostly minecraft and did not really play any other games. Then I clicked on the minecraft store and started clicking on things to look at them so if I wanted it then I could buy it with my money that I had in my piggy bank.

When I was clicking on thing in the store and I clicked on the thing where you buy the in game currency called mine coins and then you would put in your credit/debit card’s information then you would buy it but because I had already bought stuff in the game with my own money I would help them to buy something. But what my parents did not know was that my dad saved his card information so now all I had to do was put in my password that my dad had changed so I knew it and so I could buy something so I did and then I spent 100 dollars.

I had spent the money most obviously without anyone knowing. But the problem is that I had no clue that when you spend money on your credit card that you can see what you spend so I thought that I was going to be ok and my parents would never figure out that I had spent 100 dollars and so for about a month I thought I was going to be ok and that my parents would never find out . But then I was in the living room watching TV with my mom and my dad was on his computer. He was looking at what you had spent on your credit card and I did not know anything about him being on his computer for that because most of the time he is on his computer doing work related things. He was looking around on it and had seen someone had spent 100 dollars on Minecraft on mine coins and then he went. Who Spent 100 Dollars On Minecraft! 

After that it was really easy to find out who did it because I was very much the only one that played Minecraft in the house. My sister does not like to play video games. So My parents figured it out that it was me and then I got grounded for a long time and I paid most of it off with the money that I had but I still had to do some chores to pay all of it off. I was sad until I was not grounded anymore.

A 13 year old boy that was missing in the woods is saved.

What he had to go through while missing

The boy that goes by brian was missing for 59 days, because when his plane was going to his dad’s house the pilot had a heart attack he managed to safely land it in a lake. So then he was by himself in the woods. Brian had to face many obstacles on his long time in the wilderness like a porcupine, a moose, and a tornado. 

What he had done with only a hatchet

He had made a fire with his hatchet, by hitting the shelter that made sparks and he had some firewood then the sparks hit the wood then it had lit on fire. He had gotten the hatchet from his mom as a gift when he was at his dad’s house. 

What he had done to survive 

He had also gone back to the plane to get the survival kit that was in water so he had to use a raft. He got a walkie talkie from the survival pack and tried to use it and someone got the signal and he saved him.

Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology

(Yes or No)

Have you ever watched or even played sports and you like them because it is competitive well would it even be worth the time if people are using performance-enhancing technology because all the game is about is who is richer and the reason it is fun is since it is competitive but if it is a game about who is richer is it even that fun to watch or play so I think that performance-enhancing technology should not be allowed.

What all sports should come down to is their own athletic

Every year since 2001 there have been at least 258 times someone has been caught taking performance-enhancing technology in football. “Ask anyone with a decent knowledge of sports and current events, and they will tell you: doping in sports is a problem. Nearly every week, another high-profile doping story makes its way to the headlines of newspapers around the world. If someone is poor but they are very athletic they can find a job around that but when a phase where everyone is using performance-enhancing technology then they might not be able to play because they can not compete.”

It is really important to have no people take advantage of the fact that they are rich.

If someone is amazing at their sport but they are in a sport that does not make a lot of money then they do not have enough to buy performance-enhancing technology then there is someone in the same sport but pretty bad yet they have a very rich relative then they can get there relative to buy it for them and then they can be amazing at the sport and would that be fair.

If every person on the earth that plays sports gets to use performance-enhancing technology it would not be fun.

If every person on the earth that plays sports gets to use performance-enhancing technology it would not be fun or competitive. It may still be fun to watch but it would not be fun to play because you want to get better to beat someone with performance-enhancing technology you do not get better it is the performance-enhancing technology that is forcing you to get better when all they did was use performance-enhancing technology and sat on their butt and wait for performance-enhancing technology to kick in and make them better when what they have fun is working and having fun.

So, in conclusion, I think that performance-enhancing technology should stay banned because it is just not fun for the players when the fun of it is playing the game because they are good but if every person had everyone would be good and good players that do not need performance-enhancing technology will get payed less because they can sign someone that uses performance-enhancing technology and they can pay them almost half the cut so people that do not use performance-enhancing technology will get cut because people that use performance enhancing technology they can and will take a lot less money because they are bad without performance-enhancing technology.  One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. - Elbert Hubbard

Adventures of Pierce and Brian

Like Brian in Hatchet, I have had to go to lots of different places and do lots of different things. I moved four times in my life and lived in three different countries. One of my struggles during the moves was leaving my friends. “For a time he could not understand Brian could do nothing.” Like Brian, I would also feel stuck and not feel like doing anything in a new place.

Brian goes through several life-and-death situations, which moving with my family wasn’t. Brian is in a plane in the copilot seat when the pilot has a heart attack and now he is alone with no one. He crashes in a lake and survives on his own. All I had to do was try and get over my friends and work on making new ones. He also has to survive a tornado, build shelter, get food and survive wild animals. In the end, Brian and I both got to where we wanted to be and are stronger for having been through it.