This is my cubes project, the first thing I did in SketchUp

This is unpainted house it took a week

I made this simple house in SketchUp and but this time it is panited

I colored my painted house different so it can look crazy . I painted it and it took like two mintutes to paint.

This is the simple house but with a lighting and I put it in blender.

This is my Second video 3 second 100%

230203 simple house 3 second spin 100% - Pierce Sammis.mp4

This is my 4th video 10 second 100%

230207 simple house 10 second spin 100% - Pierce Sammis.mp4


This is my 5th video and it is very colorful and spinning .

230209 crazy simple house float Elxplode 10 second spin color blast - Pierce Sammmis.blend0001-0370.mp4


This is my 6th video and it explodes at the end with color

230208 simple crazy house color blast 10 second spin 100% - Pierce Sammis0001-0300.mp4

This is my second Modern art but I had something differnt and aI had to redo it.

230903 Modern art 10 second spin 100% cam move - Pierce Sammis0001-0300.mp4

This is my first Modern art but it was pretty easy.

232302 modern art Spin cam move 100% - Pierce Sammis0001-0300.mp4

This is my newest modern art but I really just put some random shapes on it

230803 Modern art 3 10 second spin - Pierce cam move Sammis0001-0300.mp4