Tech Apps

This is a Data poster that I made by using clipping masks to make 3 of the objects on this. I really like the American eagle because the eagle is my school's mascot. I also have the word DATA, a computer, and a wooden doll we use at the school, and on our shirts.

On the top is my final typing test that I took. It shows how many times I have taken it, my average accuracy, and my words per minute. This typing test was three minutes long so didn't really have enough time to finish it.

On both sides is my Newsletter poster about pokemon sword. One has a white background, and the other one has a red gradient.

All these posters above are posters for classes like Science, Math, Social Studies, and Elar for my classes for teachers to use too give students a peak of what they are going to larn in that class. I tried to make the images merge and fade to make it look good.

This is my favorite out of all because this is a holiday pixel art that I made for an Extra Credit assignment. The present I custom made, while the Charmander I made using a picture as a reference to make it. Overall this is my favorite pixel art I have seen, and I am super happy about this work.