Android Apps

This page will contain a QR code that once scanned it will show you my Multi-App that I made. This QR code can only be scanned on a android device not an iPhone, so don't try to scan the code with an iPhone. But if you do have an android just scan the code below to play with my app with different apps, and a icon that I made.

About My Multi-APP

After you scan the code up above you will see titled buttons which I will explain what they shall do.  The beginner app buttons will take you to a different page with more apps click on the buttons and try them out. There is an about section which is from my about page section. The page you load on are the apps that I created you can also try them out I'll try not to spoil much of them though. I will say that the Ai Image Generator is my favorite app by far, the catch is that you need to be on a Wi-Fi that doesn't block websites otherwise the image won't generate. But try out some of the apps out have fun, and also make sure to try MIT App Inventor out to make your own app. But you can't copy my app but try to make some of your own games with code.  Anyways have fun and happy coding to you guys.