Vector Art

Below this you will see some of the things Ive made with Vector Art and the first few things

So I didn't really have any ideas of what to make so I just decided to "re-create" a meme an I guess it looks alright but either way I'll be making more as I continue learning about Adobe Illustrator and more. And Idk why but I'm surprisingly proud of it Ik its ugly but I don't really care .

This Is our base for the emojis so basically without this we wouldn't have perfect emojis and you might be asking yourself.How does this help? the lines help you keep the circle centairned  which the emojis wouldn't look right and that's about   it but it was our first vector Art project and it also taught us how to add strokes and colors,shapes and ALOT more! but there is a bunch of more tools that we still haven't learned.I'd say there's more than a thousand but this just introduced us to the classics and yeah Cya Later Folks!   and if you noticed this is the thumnail for "Vector" Graphics which is the first ever drawning I made in Adobe Illustrator    

This is a drawing for my project of Science. It is As of right supposed to be a like a type of badge or maybe sticker i'll be using in my field trip, which is in 5 days!! and yeah it had more like some stars and a black backround but I had to removed it for a assigment but rn im too lazy to try and find. and a fun fact is, Believe it or not the circle thats the base of the moon took me awhile to make because at that time I didn't know how to fill it in if you we to open it and press it you would see A BUNCH of regtangles,circles,squares,etc.

This is the full badge im not yet done,I just need to make the image bigger and you might see that it says, "The National Ohio Astrodudes" but Since one of my team members was been picky and strict about the name it's called that , I was planning it to be "The National Ohio NASA" which yeah and he wanted just "Astrodudes and I just suggested to them both and that demonic name came up 💀 but I guess it's better than Astrodudes cuz in my opinion thats just Cringe 

Our First Ever Adobe Animate Creation, this was mandatory but still pretty cool. I'm not sure if there should be a background, but I thought It looked cooler with it so yeah. Might do more If I can 👀

And It was somewhat easy all u had to do was follow steps which is easy enough but this computer was  been dumb like always and it would not show some of the settings at times so this basically is a miracle 

This next one shouldn't be here but I'm in patient and decided to put it here.