3D Modeling

Recording #12.mp4

My house and  although it isn't that good considering I had some issues with this and the fact that I broke my glasses and couldn't see well but for right now this is the best.

I fr dont know what to say about this like dude even the windows are "trash" 

Nah yall took too long 

A  BEAUTIFUL masterpiece I made, so basically we made one shape and then just put random shapes  in it and made em grow , now the coloring I had no ideas whatsoever so I just painted the whole thing grey and put color in it. the black and white part was the last shape done and there was only pastel colors left but I didn't want to repeat a color nor did i want to use one that sticked out and I pretty sure no 1 reads this but if u r then thank u, and do u have any ideas for what to do for the black and white??? if so then ig gmail me or talk to me irl ( I FR SOUND LIKE SUM TEACHER) lol bye (●'◡'●)

Final Color is Gray