My Sneaker No. 1

I created this sneaker using Photoshop. I wanted to make a sneaker that had warm colors and the other sneaker cold colors. I used a red color that looks really real, an orange for a second color, and a dark gray  for the bottom of the shoe.

My Sneaker No. 2

I created this sneaker using Photoshop. I wanted this sneaker to be cold colors and not like the other with warm colors. In this sneaker I used the color blue, cyan, and purple. These colors are cold colors and they fit good together with a gradient.

My Static Sneaker Ad

I created this ad in this in canvas. I placed my both shoes in the middle of the picture so that the shoes are the focal point. I also made the words NOW to get attention to the person. The reasons are glowing to catch attention. I also added a QR code so that it lead to my Sneaker Ad Page.

My Sneaker Ad - Tommy Marquez.mp4

My Sneaker Ad Video

This is my sneaker ad video. I created this in Canva. This video uses the static ad on the first page. I used four pages that are animated. Words are animated and the last page tells where to buy it, which actually sends you to my portfolio.

Michael Jordan With Warm Summer Sneakers

This is Michael Jordan using my sneakers.

Hello, I am Tommy Marquez and I will be selling my sneakers. I help workers achieve a comfortable working environment by selling them my sneakers. Imagine that you have a tough job and you want shoes that are comfortable and affordable for you. You need something that can change the environment where you work so that your feet and your legs don’t hurt. My products are modern, comfortable and affordable for you. They help you with the stress of your feet and legs so that you have a more comfortable work environment for you. Most of the people that would benefit from this product would be doctors, engineers, athletes students, carpenters and other people. My products would help them be more comfortable working where they need to be standing up all the time. If you want to get these shoes, you can go and buy them online with no delivery cost and just for today they have a 20% discount. In just 1 day you will be using comfortable shoes that can help you in your job. Thank you for letting me give you an introduction about my shoes and how they can help change your working environment, how you can get them, and who will most likely use them. Thank you for your time and hope you like to buy these shoes.

My Elevator Speech

This is my Elevator Pitch. I created this by using a formula. The formula is: I help x achieve y by doing z were x is the audience, y is what your selling and z is how you did it. I then added a story to catch the attention of the audience and last I added where they could get the shoes and ended with a greeting for letting me talk about my shoes.

Cold Winter

This is my 2nd shoe that is called Cold Winter because it has cold color that really only come in the winter.

Warm Summer

This is my 1st shoe that I did and its called Warm Summer because  the red and the orange are warm colors.