This is my 3D Models that I will be making.

My Simple House PNG

Made in SketchUp

This is a simple house that I made in SketchUp. SketchUp is a program to design 3D Models. To make this Simple House I needed to use different tools, colors, shapes and much more. I placed all of these things to make this simple house. Each detail was made by at least 2 or more tools.  It was really hard. You needed to have a lot of patience and don't give up. Then download the scketchUp file as a PNG.

My Unpainted Simple house

Made in SketchUp

This is the same simple house that is above. The only big difference is that it doesn't have color. all the shapes, tools were the same.

Here is the link for Sketchup. try it for yourself. It is really cool.

A video of my house with scenes. This is the house above.  It has scene. The scene make the house move. You can see different types of angles of the house. The video is also in YouTube so that you can see it there. I used Screen CastOMatic to record my video.

Here is the link so that yall can try Screencast -O Matic:

Simple House in Blender


This is my simple house again, and this time I exported my house and I imported it to Blender. Blender is an app that can design, animate and much more things. I am just starting with Blender so just wait to see the things that I will do. I will make the house rotate with some key frames and animating.

Here is the link to Blender:

 Simple House 10 Second spin 100 present quality.


This is my house video 10 second spin. I needed to add keyframes to make it move. It was actually really easy. This house is at 100 percent. This is the best quality. It took about 30 minutes to render this 10 second video. Just imagine rendering a 1 minute video. That would take like an hour to render. It is also on YouTube to watch it.

Simple House Test Implosion 0001-0300.mp4

Simple House Implosion


This is my video of my Simple House destroyed and coming together to its normal shape. This was also made in Blender. I haven't post the video in YouTube because it is not letting me, but I will upload this page whenever I post it.

230214Simple House Test Explotion Tommy Marquez.mp4

Simple House Explotion


This is my house that was destroyed. It starts as a normal house and as its going  it destroys as the one on the top. This video was made in Premier Pro. Is an app that you can make videos. I switched the speed to that it was the opposite of the top one. As I said on top both videos will be posted on YouTube whenever I can do it. 

230121 Modern Art 1 Spinning Tommy Marquez0001-0300.mp4

Modern Art 1

SketchUp & Blender

This is a Modern Art that I design in SketchUp and then I exported to Blender to keyframe it and make a video out of it. This is my first Modern Art. Well if YouTube fixes the add videos I will post it.

230223 Modern Art 1 Spin - Tommy Marquez0001-0300.mp4

Modern Art 1

SketchUp & Blender

This is my Modern Art 1 modified. The camera has been keyframed so now it moves. Here is the link to the google doc.. This is how I made my Modern Art 1: How I made my Modern Art 1

Sketchup sculpture PNG


This is my Sketchup Sculpture that I made in Sketchup. I then downloaded the sculpture as a PNG. And here you go. O:

Modern Art in Blender PNG

Blender & Sketchup

This is my Modern Art 1 in Blender as an image that is a PNG.