I did all of these vector graphics in adobe Illustrator some of these pieces of artwork take days so its not as easy as you think but with the help of our teacher and student we are able to get these done in a timely fashion.

These are the emojis iI have made in my Exploring multimedia class this year. At the time I was sorta rushing it because I had to turn it in the next day. The due day I was making the rest of the faces, and keep in mind we only have 40 minutes to an hour in class. When I tell you I was trying to get this done before that bell rang. Therefore giving me much anxiety at the moment which is not fun to be honest.

The first one was the one I had done wrong, so after putting in the team name and having to export varriouse time which got very teadiouse overtime, but I got it done the same day.  I found out that I had to put an outer glow on mine so people could read it.Therefore that took even more time then I realized oh my god I forgot the team name its like one of those moments when its like "It was at this moment she realized she screwed up." but I got it done it was hard but I got it done. By the way go check out some other 22-23 digital portfolios made by other talented DATA students like me. >:)

This is my windmill GIF I had done others but they didnt save or they just got all messed up.