Core Classes

This is my memoir about the time I burnt my arm [TW] By the way if you are sensitive to blood or description of bad wounds you may want to skip some parts of paragraph three and five.

   My Burnt Arm 

“Ow, MOM!” Then I started to cry. Okay before we get to that part of the story let me explain what happened and before you jump to conclusion lets see what happened.

I believe it was a day in the spring. I was calmly waiting for the pizza in the oven to finish cooking.With the wind howling like a pack of wolves. I believe the pizza was a cauliflower pizza. When the pizza was finished cooking, I went over to the drawer which was filled with oven mitts.Then I flung the oven door open and quickly snatched the pizza out the oven maybe that was what made the pizza fall or maybe it was my lack of paying attention to what was happening, whatever it was I could not prevent from happening.

 Then *sizzz* the sound of burning skin tearing away from the underskin it was protecting. Then I felt a tingle on my arm, then I came to the reality that I had probably burnt myself, then I turned to my left arm, then I felt my heart skip a beat as I turned to reveal that a whole patch of where my skin should have been was slowly shriveling, my heart sank looking at the burn that had been marked. I called my mother, no response, I called again, no response. Well I could have asked my father but, it seemed he was a bit busy at the moment. So I quickly ran my arm in the cool sink water, it felt like the water burned my arm even more. Tears threatened to trickle down my face, like a waterfall. I held my breath as I had to disinfect the patch of burnt skin. It felt like hundreds of needles were being injected into the same place all at once tearing and shaping the current skin leaving a huge mark for everyone to see. I patched the burn mark with a non adhesive patch of fabric. “OW, MOM!”

“Yes, what is it?” My mom called out.”

“Mom, I think I burned myself.”

“How bad is it?” My mom replied 

“Pretty bad.” 

My mom slowly walked down the stairs. It felt like she took tens of thousands of years for her to get down the stairs. Once she was downstairs she came up to me and told me to show her my arm, so I did. She said it would probably take a week or two to heal up or so we thought. 

It was a monday the next day so before I went to school I replaced the old Band-Aid with a new one. As I entered the school building it felt as if there was a liquid feeling where my burn was. I didn’t mind it at first but after a little while it started to leak through the Band-Aid. I assumed it was going to be blood, but it wasn’t quite blood but a light shade of yellow and it felt sticky. Then I remembered “Wait is that pus?” I thought to myself. The hot sticky pus oozed out my arm slowly, slowly, slowly oozing down my arm, almost dripping down my arm. 

I slowly got up and walked up to where my teacher was sitting. I asked if I could be excused to the nurses office to go change the current Band-Aid I had on. She looked at me and asked what the severity was and I told her it was quite bad and showed her my arm revealing the burn area and all the pus surrounding it. Almost horrified, she quickly turned around, grabbed a pass and handed it to me. She told me to be quick, so I ran down the stairs and soon found myself in the nurse's office, alone waiting for the nurse to finally realize she needed to treat my arm. After a few minutes she treated my burn and I was sent back to class. It was most painful trying to take showers because every time I would rinse the soap off it would spill on to my arm causing my arm to burn.

A few times the skin had fallen off of my arm but then it rebuilt. After a few months, the burn had gone away, but it  left a scar.

This is my persuasive essay that I did about space exploration and why its so important.

Space Exploration is Worth the Money.

Is space exploration really worth the money? I believe it is because for hundreds of thousands of years what is really in that sky that we view every day, people may argue well they’re not doing anything, or they’re just using the money to pay people. 

Space exploration

Well in fact I believe it is because every moment and second that we spend up in space is another moment we get to learn about something we've never known about. We could see and find things we’ve never seen or even imagined to be real. There could be life, planets, or even new species we’ve never dreamed or thought of to be real. There could even be planets capable of supporting life unique and diverse like our planet.


Being able to explore more space means that there could be more people with jobs. If more people are going to space then more people are going to need to be employed. This could provide hundreds of people with sustainable jobs. 

Beyond our world

Space exploration has nationally changed the way the world views that dark cast of emptiness, in which now we view as floating balls of fire floating around making it look like the night sky is lit up by fireflies. From something we viewed as unknown we now view as astronomical. What lies beyond what humans know is still to be discovered.We yet have much to discover of this world. Maybe there are other worlds beyond this milkyway galaxy.


Maybe we could learn how to change the way we plant and crop, by learning how to grow plants and have them adjust to the hostile environment we could learn how to better produce crops and plants. We could also learn more about the human body and how it would react to different things in space.



 Traveling into space means we could find more resources, maybe enough to cure diseases and illnesses.  This research could cure thousands. Though it may seem impossible, humankind has never stopped trying, over and over, failure after failure, even restless nights the human race has never stopped striving for greatness. 


Like the quote goes, “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” by Arthur C. Clarke  


In conclusion, that is why I believe space exploration could change history and save the lives of thousands of people. And give us a more open mind of our world.


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Brainy Quote