Tech Apps

These are the things we have learned about since I've joined

Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

We learned about formulas and how to calculate tax on items. I know that my mom uses excel to keep track of her expenses for the month so I'm glad I know how to use it know too. Also we learned how to do pixel art with it.

Adobe Photoshopย 

We have started learning about the workspace, file types, brushes, burn, dodge, sharpen, and smear so far mainly. I love photoshoping my own photos for practice and I get to experiment with them.


When I first started typing I was tying at 9 words a minute and now I'm at 32. We practice every single day and do 5 minutes of lessons. In 7th grade I started coding a lot and my words per minute sky rocketed to about 78 wpm, however in 8th grade my wpm went down to 55wpm.