

I love doing art. It is so fun and can always help you through a tough time. It can be a type of therapy for people who are struggling. In my Art course I got an art award and the piece was put in the library showcase for awards.

Here are some of the digital art projects that I have created.

Sky Landish

I saw an illustration of floating islands on Pinterest so I tried to create my own version and this is one of my favorite landscape illustrations I have created.


I enjoy programming! I use VsCode as my text editor and my favorite theme in Vscode is Ayu Dark Bordered it is very visually pleasing and highlights the text for easy recognition.

The program your seeing here is a online pizza ordering program while it does not really order pizza it simulates it.

I also code with Hyper Text Markup Language (html) and Cascading Style Sheet (css) I also tried starting a web design business. I've recently learned C++, C#, and java while I don't know them that well I do know them well enough to create programs and apps with them.


Mechatronics engineers learn mechanical and electrical engineering along with computer science they can get virtually any job in the tech field. They are also usually regarded as the jack of all trades version of an engineer because they are like a whole team of engineers in one person.

🧪Theoretical Physics

I like theorizing and breaking down movies and telling others exaclty why every movie is unrealistic. In addition I also like to think about what if like with if you really had the power of teleportation (not a good idea).


I enjoy listening to music while working to get into the zone. Funny enough the zone it has been named flow. When it happens it increases focus and in turn increases productivity.
