Every thing I have done for App Tech this year:


Typing lessons for app tech, learning how to type.

Partner  PSA
This was my part of a group project for redesigning a poster for DATA, we were doing the ones for SOAR.

S- for Self Control

O- for On Task

A- for Achievement

R- for Respect 

We added all of the posters we made into one big poster and we got this!

I did Respectful.

I was working with Kannon Barrett and Eric Orozco.

B&W Photos

A black and white photo of a plane, we colored the black and white photo in photoshop using the tool color lookup and a neural filter.

News latter 

A news latter about a type of video game deltarune. We were supposed write something about a type of game, show, of sport and write a news latter about it, so I did a video game called deltarune a game that was released in 2018. Read the news letter to find out more!