Science projects through the year:

Chemical Properties

Our project was to point out all of the properties of a product, so I did coca cola  we listed all of the health effects, ingredients, chemicals, and properties, then we all wrote a conclusion for the product.

North America Ecosystem Mountain Zones 

The ecosystem was a project where we were suppose to make a ideogram of an ecosystem so I decided to do the North America Mountain ecosystems. I added the animals the plants and made word art for the title, and every thing on the ideogram was made by using vector art.

2024 Mars PBL

The mars PBL was a make believe journey to mars, a group project on how we will get to mars and how we will try and colonize it. my partners were Noah Martin, Travis Sciantarelli, Nathan Olivarez, and Lilela Gunstream.

This is the slide show for the Mars PBL