231027 My Favorite Things - Jocelyn Aguilar (FINAL).mp4

Finding these images was tough since we had to be very specific to make it work in our video and not to mention it had to be png so I  had a lot of trial and error. In the comments in the photos we put link to the folders since we wanted to credit the original owners of the image in the favorite things video. In the video we will use the images and explain why we like it since we made a word document with a hyperlink to the photos. It also took a while editing it so it could go 2x speed. Not to mention I had troubles with the credits rolling (the numbers where hard ok ,  but when I did I got to post my final version of my video! I felt super proud of myself  


☆*: .。.o .。.:*☆*: .。.o .。.:*☆*: .。.o .。.:*☆*: .。.o 

hello! this is a hidden  text (o゜▽゜)o☆