App Inventor 

The code for my app that we have been working on.  This code can only be used by android users. 

Let's go back to explain the major question how? First of all I started by making hello codi which was a separate app until we made a new project with Hello codi included I followed the tutorials for the starter apps which were: Talk to me,Paint pot, digital doodle, and ball bounce. After i worked on Paint pot for quite a while I decided to make extra apps like space invaders and mole mash.

Making the other apps were pretty easy thanks to the tutorials in the MIT app inventor website. Talking about MiT app inventor is that the tutorials are so fun to make Id do this on my free time. I recommend people to try it out  since its super fun to make and play on your own app just keep in mind you can only install it on an android phone or tablet only

One of my favorite apps I had make was probably space invaders since it was super fun to make and play.  It wasnt super hard but it was sorta time consuming. The most time consuming  part was the code since there was a lot of code to be done

Ball Bounce

The code

First I added the canvas where the ball is suppose to be add coded it so when you touch it the ball would move around where you drag it. I also coded in that when the ball touched the edge it would bounce off and not disappear. So you could close out the screen I put a button called menu which would take you back to the title screen.

Hello Codi

The code

I first added a button and I added a image on  the button, I deleted the text and coded that when the image is pressed the sound plays. The animal that I did was a bee it didn't take long to find a bee image and the hello codi tutorial provided a audio.


The code

I know its a lot code but its needed, First I added code for each color to appear on the canvas when the button for that color is pressed and a text to speech. The I added a wipe button to clear the canvas when your done using it or want to draw something new.  There is  also a magic button that makes a rainbow brush. There is also a scroll button that makes the brush smaller or bigger.

Talk To Me

The code

I put text box and coded in that what they type in the text box  it is said back to them by text of speech by pressing the button. Another way for the text to be said you can shake your phone so it can be said.

Digital Doodle

The code

Digital doodle is like less complex version of paint pot  since its just one brush and only one color it has almost the same painting code only that it doesn't have a button so you just use drag instead of when button pressed.

Space Invaders

The code

Space invaders is one of my favorite games so I knew I had to code it. I first put a canvas where the spaceship sprite and the alien ship would be. I also put a score menu that each time the bullet from the spaceship would crash into the alien ship it would add one point. The whole game was super cool to make one of my favorites.

Magic Eight ball

The code

The magic eight ball was very simple you just had to add a list with responses that would pop up on the text underneath the magic eight ball.

Snow Globe

The code

The snow globe just consisted of putting balls on a canvas that its background was an image of new york. I had to code the balls to move down the same time.