Here I am going to put in my different things from Tech Apps. Including my typing speed, accuracy,  and many other things.

This is my average speed and accuracy so far during this year.

A little while ago I made this TeddyBear project. I really love the teddy bear I made which is in the middle by the way.  The other teddy bears were images I was required to import.

Here is my average typing speed and accurcy this year! I have gotten much quicker over the course of this year and am quite proud of myself :).

Here is an update of my lesson typing speeds. The reason why some of them are like 18-21 wpm because it wants you to type back and forth from uppercase and lowercase letter. And it is pretty difficult in my opinion. But I have gotten much better this year.

In Tech Apps I had made some pixel art, and I made a sunset. It wasn't very difficult and was a fun project. It only took me a few days and it turned out pretty good for my first ever pixel art. I used Google Sheets and some pretty interesting formulas to put color where I wanted it when I typed in certain letters or numbers. At first it was a bit difficult learning how to do the formulas and which settings would do what, but it worked out in the end and made some nice pixel art.

This is the vector drawing I made in Tech Apps of Em Beihold. It was pretty fun to make this and wasn't that hard to make. I used copy and paste to make multiple copies of some parts that I then edited to fit the drawing.

Here is the photo of my 033 assignment. Each duck has a different effect on them to make them unique from one another. I think the blue duck photo looks like alien ducks.

This is another finished product from my Tech Apps class. I used a few different tools to make these different versions and it turned out pretty good.

This is my 036 assignment's finished product.  In this I used the smudge, gradient, sharpen, blur, and sponge tool to make the finished piece. I made the tree glow with the sponge tool, I blurred the flowers,    sharpened the area around the tree, smudged the sky, and added a gradient to the sky.

Here is my 038 assignment. I added two frogs to this image, editing each before I exported this. The frog in the corner is the one I outlined, colored in, and added details to. While the other frog was edited using the colorize tool.