I made this house in a free website called Sketchup. In my personal experience it is pretty easy to move around and build things in. I did have to restart it at some point but I caught up and finished painting my house.ย  So try it out if you haven't yet! ๐Ÿ˜

This is the video of my simple house that I made in Sketchup. It took me a while to just upload the video but it was worth it in the end.ย 

Here is the image file from Blender it took me a while like the video above but I am catching up! One thing I really like about it is how sharp and clean the shadows and shading are, it is just beautiful.

This is my house that I rendered in Blender. It started from a plain Sketchup house with bland shadows to a beautiful Blender house with sharp shadows and amazing lighting. Since Blender is free and if you like this type of digital art and models, I suggest you download it. ^w^

230224 Modern Art Rendered Animation0001-0300.mp4

Here is my ten second, ten percent, original model animation. Like my simple house I started it off in Sketchup then moved it over to Blender. Put in some keyframes and voila! Enjoy! (This is just my experiment version!)

230224 Experment Modern Art Rendered Animation 10 Precent - Blessing Ava0001-0300.mp4

This is my updated version of my Original Model Animation. It has a higher resolution so it is much clearer and smooth. (This is just my experiment version!)

230224 11-300 Modern Art Rendered Animation 10 Precent - Blessing Ava.mp4

Here is the 10 percent version of my Original Model Animation, and it is what I was supposed to make before the experiment version ๐Ÿ˜‚. Enjoy! ^w^

Here is my second SketchUp model that I have made this year. I made a simple stair design with rails. The reason why is because I needed to make another model for Mr. Hicks to look over. But over all I think it looks pretty good. (Next is the colored version ^w^)

Here is the colored version of my second original model! I know you can't really see it all but the next thing I will have on here is a video showing all on the colors and angles of it, so look below!

230310 Modern Art Render 100 Percent 10 Sceound - Blessing Ava.mp4

This is my fully rendered, fully colored, and fully finished version of my second original model. The shadows and the Ombre's all over it just look beautiful when spinning. My personal favorite Ombre of them all is the purple on the side. It just looks so smooth going from dark to light purple. Which one is your personal favorite? (If it sends you to another tab but shows you the video, sorry about that. I had looked over it and that happened so if you don't like that happening you may want to watch on a computer/laptop)