Android Apps

As it stands now, I have not been able to put my app into a working QR code. I am currently working to fix this problem, and this will be updated as soon as I do. I apologize for the inconvenience.

This is my epic home page/ main page. This is where you can get to any of the epic small apps I made via MIT App Inventor. We've been working with this program for a few weeks now.

This is my Hello Codi app. This is how it works: You click the bee, and it buzzes. I have better apps than this I promise 😭

This app is my epic Talk To Me. Here's how it works: You type want in the white box, and a text-to-speech voice will say whatever you have typed in the box. 

psst, here's a secret, if you shake the device, it'll tell you to stop shaking it...

This is my epic Ball Bounce. It may look boring just as it is in this picture, but, as the label says, if you hit that ball on an edge more balls will appear, and those balls make more balls appear. There are a total of 8 balls in this game.

This is my epic Digital Doodle. On this app, you can doodle to your heart's content! (and also wipe the screen if you are finished.)

This is my epic PaintPot. I have a total of epic 10 colors to choose from and epic 4 photos to color! I think this one took the longest to make out of any of the apps.

This is my About Screen. Alas, this has the exact same thing I have on my about page on this portfolio. But, there is a button that leads to the DATA Website.

This is the programming page for PaintPot. 


PaintPot ALONE.

This is the programming page for Ball Bounce. 

(don't tell anyone but this was actually very easy because all I had to do was copy and paste a lot)

Even though (most of) these small apps I have are cool, everyone else has made these, probably with cooler add-ons and extras. I want to create a game of my own, original, awesome, and fun. I want it to be a multi-player game of some type. Maybe something simple and easy like Tic-Tac-Toe or Flappy Bird, but BETTER.