3D Models

This is the house I created in SketchUp.  It was  fairly simple to make and I tried going for a cabin-like theme.

This is the house I created from different angles and perspectives. I used Screencast-o-matic to record the scenes.

Using Blender, I rendered out my house to make it look more 3D. I'm not actually sure why the trim and doorbell has turned yellow, though...

This is a video that I made in Blender of my house spinning. It actually took a very long time to render, but it ended up being worth it.

230226 Modern Art 1 Spin 10 percent - Roni Wilson.mp4

This is a creation I made in SketchUp and brought into Blender. This is a short video of the structure spinning.

230227 Modern Art 1 100 percent 10 second spin - Roni Wilson0001-0300.mp4

This is the same video that I rendered at a higher quality, so it's much easier to see all the details as it spins.