Android Apps

This is the QR code that leads to my Multi-App. You might be asking what the heck is a Multi-App. Well, a Multi-App is an app with multiple options for games or active's. I made this app with MIT App Inventor. This software is great for coding and programming.  In my Multi-App, there are 5 different games (hello froggy, talk with the app, bounce a planet, digital doodle, and paint the kangaroo rat.) To even make these apps work you have to use Blocks. Blocks are certain commands that help your app function. The image below is a picture that is actually a part one my app! (⚠️WARNING THIS QR CODE CAN ONLY BE SCANNED WITH AN ANDROID DEVICE⚠️)

These are some of my "Paint the kangaroo" blocks. A lot I know, but this is what helps me build my app so that people (like you) can play on my app. If you zoom in you can see the colors I used so you can paint. Something I find cool is that when you click on a color I programed it to speak to you and tell you what the color is.

This is my main menu screen this is what you use to get into all the other apps. The exit does something you would never expect... it exits the app! The about button leads you to the about screen (not the one on here). The about  page has some info on the app and of yours truly. And, lastly, the colorful buttons you see in the middle leed to the screens for my apps!

These are all the buttons I used and the names. This helps me stay organized while working and coding. If your wondering these are for my paint pot app!