
    Hi! I'm Simone Slaughter I'm a student at DATA at Ed White. I grew up and was born in San Antonio and I'm 11 years old. Some of my favorite hobbies are acting, drawing, and singing. Some other things I like are animals and musicals. My favorite animal is a frog, and my favorite musical is Beetlejuice. I really want to start making animated shows and getting into graphic design. Frogs are very special to me and I used to have one named biscuit. My favorite class (this year) is Tech Apps (shout out to my 8th period class and teacher). 

Enough about me, this school helps kids learn about designing and new technology. Before I went here I didn't even know what "photoshop" did. I thought it only for magazines. This school is great about what they do, and the teaches know exactly what they are doing to help you learn all you can. Most people started here not knowing what to even do, but then there online 3D model gets printed into their own creation.