Tech apps is a class where you can learn about certain photoshop tools that aren't taught in Multimedia and learn about social media, online safety, and how to leave a good and responsible digital footprint, as well as how to type and you will learn about how you cannot hide anything on the internet due to it being permanent.

This is the pinnacle of Tech apps projects, we used the neural filter called Colorize and how to turn black and white images into colored images.

This is a photo that has been altered using the dodge and burn tools to darken and brighten certain pixels in an image using what's called Destructive editing.

Destructive editing and Non-Destructive editing are very simple topics. Destructive editing is something that changes the very pixels of an image and cannot be reversed after being saved. Non-Destructive editing is when you just apply other layers over it like a mask and does not permanently change pixels but stays unless the owner or creator removes them.

Every 4 weeks or so we would have a typing test and there were 8 in total the goal would be to type a certain amount of words or characters in a given amount of time with either a typing cover or your hands and would take 2 days and if taking place on friday you will do the second day on monday.