The core classes that will be taught here at DATA 6th grade are: World Cultures, ELAR, Science, Math, Multimedia, and Tech apps. They are taught by the most amazing teachers ever. World Cultures is taught by Mrs. Stubbins, ELAR by Mr. Wayment, Multimedia by Mr. Hicks, Math by Mrs. Starr-Burt, Tech Apps was taught by Mr. Gonzalez, and Science was taught by Mrs. Nuckolls.


Science is one of the best classes ever it was taught by Mrs Nuckolls but unfortunately she has moved and the new batch of 6th graders will not have her next year. This image you see underneath is a infographic that is made in the abiotic and biotic factors unit.


In ELAR you will learn about proper grammar and learn about persuasive writing as well as impromptu speaking and how to speak in front of an audience. You will learn about amazing books like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

ANTHONY SCHAFFER - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023

This was a mini essay on the book Hatchet that we read over the summer

ANTHONY SCHAFFER - Narrative Retelling 2023

This is when we were learning about journalism


This is a memoir that we worked on in class


Multimedia is an amazing class taught by Mr. Hicks that includes you learning about how to use Adobe products which consist of Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects.


Math is taught by Mrs. Starr-Burt who is one of the best teachers you will find here at DATA. She is in charge of 6th grade HAM(Hyper Accelerated Math), 6th GT Honors, and 6th Honors.