Shoe ad campaign

Hello I’m Enrique, and I offer a wide and varying selection of shoes for athletes by making them cost effective and comfortable. I do these by making the outside recycled materials and keep the insides the same. Now there was a little boy he dreamed of running, and he did but he never got to his true potential, and why. It was just because he couldn’t afford shoes. That’s where I came in with my new form of shoes. He could finally run, but if he had gotten shoes earlier he could’ve maybe won the olympics. I don't want to see kids who have dreams get crushed just because he couldn’t afford shoes. In all I just want to make sure that people all over the world can get the shoes they deserve that have comfort and are cost effective. Thank you for listening. You can contact me at

A new spin on LA Lakers buy them to have the new and retro version!


"When I first started my basketball journey I never thought I would be able to make it as a pro, and up until I found these shoes I never did. After I started to wear these shoes I could shoot dunk windmill and felt unstoppable."

- Danny DeVito

kobe dunking on children ad and being happy (1).mp4

Now have you ever wanted to just dunk on some kids well this shoe  is just for you!


"Before these shoes my vertical was 10 inches, but after my vertical was 100 inches!"

-LeBron James

"Made me jump over the children, and I even did my first windmill with them!"

-Jimmy John Jones the XVIII