My robot

This is my robot. His name is house bot. I made him using adobe illustrator.


House bot is perfect for people who don't wanna do chores or dont have the time for them it's the all in one.


Hi I’m Enrique and I want to introduce you to the all in one robot House bot. You might be asking who would need this. We use him to help the elderly and people who can't do tasks around the house. You may be asking how House bot could be practical, and the best way to do what would be to tell you a story. There was an old woman. Her name was Martha and Martha couldn't walk well and she was very weak, and it made doing regular tasks harder for her, and sadly she didn't have any family that could help her. That's where the house bot came in. She bought one and it did every chore from cooking to sweeping the whole house. If you ever want to get in touch just visit my site. I want to thank you for your time have a nice night.