231027 My Favorite Things Leanna Aguilar Final Master.mp4

In Adobe Premiere Project the editing to this was a little hard to use at first but as I used it more and more for to do the transitions and the text it was easy to do but the edits were a challenge to paste and delete the extra and the ones that were not needed to have. But the best part was to do the background change colors and zoom in the backgrounds it was the most fun! ~\(≧▽≦)/~

My Favorite Things tittle (≧∀≦)ゞ

In the app Adobe Photoshop I made this by having the text made first with a stroke and a inner shadow and pop out but then I later solved how I can add the gradient and I  the direction where the gradient with the gradient tool, after edited some stuff for it and I made it like this now. :]

Favorite tv shows (✿◡‿◡)

Now i like this one because how I got to make the rainbow gradient with a tool that you can edit the background so i changed it to rainbow but also I changed the direction with the gradient tool. But the text was easy  to do by having it on the same layer and having a normal gradient but i had to add a stroke to it so it can be visible, and pop out.

Favorite Foods (╯▽╰ )

  I was gonna have it first with a normal gradient but then i found out that I can make the background like this with putting  in noise instead of solid. I was going for the F only for the favorite and the food title but i decided to make it for the both of them so it can be creative and fun by also adding a stroke with inner shadow.

Favorite animals ᓚᘏᗢ

The favorite animals was not that hard to do but I was going for a like mountain style, but i then changed it to like funky and weird to understand because i really needed the text to pop out to show so i put Bevel and  emboss, stroke, Inner shadow, gradient overlay, and drop shadow.