3D models

Welcome to my 3D models! This is where we start to use sketch up and make Models, But also the simple houses! this is a little fun page.

240328 3D Model Video Leanna Aguilar.mp4

My Model Video!!

This is my model which I first made in sketch up then moved into blender. Afterwards we made it spin and rendered it in Blender to make the video but then also moved it to Premiere Pro  to replace the background for the stars and for to add the credits to say i made it. :)


We started with this to make the cubes but also, to use the push and pull but i mostly had the rotating and the pan for help! ^^


My cat :3

This is the cat that I drew in with the cubes, learned how to use the free hand more better but I moved it away so the squares could be more space and so i could take a screenshot of this.


Stacked Cubes

This was the final part which we stacked the cubes on top of each other, and how to separate the squares so we cant have them conjoint together.

240131 Simple House Scene Animation Leanna Aguilar.mp4

This is the house that I made and took awhile for me to understand and how to build it but was easy to after I learned how to paint. We first had to do the layout but then used the push pull button to pull up the house, it looked weird at first but then we did the offset inside the house. We gave it a roof but also needed the trim around the house to make it realistic, then we had a little hard part which was the windows. But after making the roof better we gave it details and we finally made a simple small house. (´▽`ʃƪ)

240223 10 Second Spining House Leanna Aguilar0001-0300.mp4

My Uhh House Again

So my Uhh House in blender was now made to spin to show faster than in skept up by how fast it is now. I used to have problems from it only being 6, or 9 seconds video until i finally got helped to change make it loop and give it a 1/3 more seconds and which made it a 10 second! I also named it uhh house because i was to lazy to give it a name. Yippie!🤯 ()

My Uhh house

This is my house which I made in sketch up and moved it to blender and I was given a Template to use for to take a picture of it. We had to first take off the axises where we had the scenes from sketch up, to get a more clear way to see the house.

240318 Rendered Painted Model Leanna Aguilar0001-0300.mp4

My Model!!!

This is a model i made from sketchup. How I made it was having an idea of making it a bowl. But I put some circles then used the pushed pull tool, made more circles on top of it. The middle turquoise part was going to be a fountain but I didn't mind the shape it would have been anymore. Then I had colored it, I had many ideas and ways to color it but someone gave me an idea of how to color it so i listen to what they told me and made some good changes to it. Then I put it in Blender to Render it and make it spin, it was fun. :33