231030 My Favorite Things ( FINAL ).mp4

This is my final video. I used I Premiere to put the video together hope you like it! ( There's music and its LOUD ) 

This is my intro title. I did this in Photoshop. This is the first title that I did so its rough around the edges. This title also gave me inspiration to my purple, blue, teal, and pink theme.╰(*°▽°*)╯

This title is to show my love for books. This one was also difficult because of the font. I tried everything in Photoshop but I think that this is the best it's going to get.  😓

This title is to show my love for Tv shows.This was definitely the easiest one on Photoshop because it was my last title I did. You know what they say, practice makes perfect! (or at least better )  😬

This title is to show my love for all animals. This one was somewhat easier than the others. I think it takes awhile to get used to Photoshop.

To make the video, we had for look for photos on Google. Not just any photos, but GOOD photos. Photos that stand out, and that are special.To do that we had to go search something, go to settings, and make sure that we have the right number of pixels.(1920x1080)