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My Android App has 5 "Apps" in itself. They are~ Hello,Drawing,Talk to me, Ball Bounce, and an About Page.

This is what the home screen looks like!

Hello Codi was the first thing we did. It Seems complicated but it was actually really easy! We First picked an animal or object that made noise, obviously I chose a Chicken. 

This is what the Codi screen looks like!

This is ALL of the codying I had to do for Hello Codi. Like I said very simple. 

If you want to get to this app, scan the QR code on the top and click the orange button on the top!

The Drawing App was for sure the hardest app to make and I didnt even do the complicated one! The Drawing app is pretty straightforward, you pick a color from the top 0f the screen and then draw. 

This is what the Drawing screen looks like!

 This is the code for my drawing "App" It looks complicated but its just more code then usual. 

The Talk to me app was by far the simplest app to make. It took me only one class to make it because there is not a lot to it.The Talk to me app is pretty simple, you just type in whatever you want it to say then you click the "Talk 2 Me!" button and it will start talking!

This is what the Talk 2 me screen looks like!

 This is the code for my Talk to me"App" The code is super simple,because it's only a few codes.

The Ball Bounce was a weird app to make. I made it look like a pool table because I thought it would look cool but to be completely honest, it's a mess.The Ball Bounce is pretty simple, it adimedicly starts and you can make it go faster or slower by using the slider at the bottom. 

This is what the Ball Bounce screen looks like!

 This is the code for my Ball Bounce"App" The code is super simple, but it looks like a lot because I have so many balls because of the pool table so it dopucaded all of the code so there is like 15x the code then normal.Â