Made by firefly


We have been talking about what makes prokaryotic cells different than eukaryotic cells🧬. Examples bellow.


This is my persuasive essay about support animals please read it!

HEATHER EWING - My Persuasive Essay 2023

Another thing we are working on compare and contrast, sequence, and effect and cause.


This is my memoir were we made a paper about a import person or moment in are life. I chose to make one about how my cat that died. If you would like to see it better please zoom into it🐈‍.


For math we are learning about means, medians, modes, and ranges. The mean is when you add all the numbers given then you divide them by 2. The median is when you order them from least to greatest and cross them of side to side to find the middle.

Social studies-Ms.Stubbins🏵️

In social studies we are learning different types of economic economy's like tradition, command, mixed, and market. Tradition is were you trade for only what you need. Command is when the government controls all business. A mixed is a combination of commut and market. Market is when the people control all business🏬.