Made by firefly


In today's week we worked in blender we made a collida and uploaded it into blender from SketchUp. Then I rotate the house in a full circle from 360 to 0 then i did it in reverse slowly so that if someone did not get something like they missed a window they could see it again if they watched the whole video. Thanks for giving me your time!

I made these cubes that keep on growing by 5cm with a man named Casey.

240222 House spin 10 secound Heather Ewing0001-0300.mp4

This is a tour around the outside of the house hope you enjoy. :3

This is the house I have been working on. It took me 2 weeks to paint it.

The 2 one is a close up on my house. You can see that I made the windows a light orange so that you would see it like there someone inside that has the lights on.

These are some photos from the back of the house and from the sides so that you could see the windows from all angles.


This week we have been working on making are own sculptures in blender and more apps this one took me 2 weeks to do this city Abby help me make sure that it didn't cut off anything. Please visit here portifulo on the my friends portfolio page.

240307 Experaminte 3 vidoe spin Heather Ewing0001-0300.mp4

Here's a close up of the purple and yellow windows.

Here's a another picture of the back of the rainbow windows.

Animated background🖤

This week I was making a background for my 3d objects like my 3d house and my 3d sculpture. Here are some examples of the types of backgrounds I can use for my videos.

240321 Background 3 bubble effect.mp4

(if you put on loop it kinda looks like if it was a gif)⬆

This is my first example for the backgrounds it's called the bubble effect because the circles look like bubbles. I also changed the colors of the bubbles to add a little pop to it.

240321 background 4 stars effect.mp4

(if you put on loop it kinda looks like if it was a gif)⬆

This is my second example for the backgrounds, it's called the star effect because the circles look like stars. I also changed the colors of the stars to make it look like the galaxy but smaller.

240322 background 5 ripple effect.mp4

(If you put on loop it kinda looks like if it was a gif) ⬆

This is my third example for the backgrounds, it's called the ripple effect because the circles look like raining on puddles. I also changed the colors of the background to make it look a rainbow puddles but smaller.

sculptures with animated background 🖤

240401 3d model with background Heather Ewing.mp4