Tech Apps

Vector Art

In Tech apps, Mr. Gonzalez, our teacher, thought how to use google drawings, and how to make vector art on there. Vector artwork is art that's made up of vector graphics. These graphics are points, lines, curves and shapes that are based on mathematical formulas. When you scale a vector image file, it isn't low resolution and there's no loss of quality, so it can be sized to however large or small you need it to be. In tech apps, Mr. Gonzalez gave us a assignment to make vector art of whatever we want. I put mine under here. Just so you know, it was my first time doing vector so it may be bad.

This is my first vector art on the left. I did that in the beginning of the year and I decided to remake it on the right. Can you see the difference?

These are vector arts of my favorite character, Inosuke from Demon Slayer KNY.

These are vector arts that I made, I enjoy making skeleton hands, I hope you like them.


This is my typing speed, and accuracy. We use for learning how to type. Out tech apps teacher, gives us typing test in which we use typing cover. I didn't think at first that this app would help me, but it did and now i can type faster than before.