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DATA is a amazing program to learn how to use technology such as adobe, computers, and how to code. This is a great program and I love it here. I look foreword to school everyday.

About me

My name is Abigail or Abby. I go to DATA at Ed White MS. I love music and I play percussion in the Ed White band. I don't play much sports but I do swimming in the summer. I have entomophobia and lygophobia . I like to listen  to music and my favorite type is phonk. I learned so much in DATA like how to code, how to use photoshop and adobe, and how to make things. I can type faster and I feel smarter than I was when I started.

About DATA

DATA stands for Design and Technology Academy. It is part of Ed White MS. DATA offers so much things to it's students and I am grateful that I get to go here. DATA is a honor program that teaches their students how to use tech, how to be safe online, and design. ( the field trips are really fun)