Ball Bounce

On ball bounce there is a round circle that you can swipe or tap. When you swipe the ball it will  move in the direction you swipe it in. I think this app is fun.


This app is called hello Codi. Basically you press the duck and the duck quacks. You can press him as many times as you want

Paint Pot 

This is my favorite. You have a canvas of a cat and different colors. You can wipe the canvas, and change the brush size with the slider at the bottom. You can also swipe at the top to see different colors. It is really fun to use.

Talk to me

In talk to me you type in the white rectangle, whatever you want to type, and it will say it to you. It is a text to speech and I have heard so much people having fun with this app.

About page

The about page tells you about the creater which is me. It is simply the same thing on the about page of my portfolio just on a app.