podcast preview 

1. What is a Podcast?

a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device

2. What are some of the advantages of Podcast has over traditional radio?

help you delve deeper into a topic, as they have more extended time allocations to one subject.

3. Where do most people listen to a Podcast, according to the website?

Spotify and Apple Podcasts

4. What are a couple of differences between a professional Podcast versus a homemade version?

Premium sound quality

5. What is the difference between a Podcast and a Podcast Episode?

A podcast is a series of episodes, and refers to the programme as a whole. Then, a podcast episode is just one recording from that entire Podcast.

6. What are the four most common types of Podcasts?

Solo podcasts,Interview podcasts,Conversational,Repurposed content Podcasts.

7. In a sentence or two, please describe each of the four common types of Podcasts. Make sure to give a specific example for each that someone could listen to.

8. List the top-10 Podcasts for 2022

9. Where can you access Podcasts? List 2-3 places where you can find them.

10. List the 10 steps the website suggests you follow to create a Podcast.

11. Refer back to the FOUR common types of Podcasts. Which one do you think would be best for you to use for a short 2-3 minute Podcast that you will create with 2 other people? Tell me which one you would use.

11. Think of FIVE topics/themes you think would be interesting to use for a Podcast that you will suggest to your team. Be sure to be specific and zero in on something that you could talk about with other people for 2-3 minutes.

12. Think of THREE names for your Podcast based on a few of your potential topics.

13. What types of equipment do you think you will need to make a Podcast?