
1. What is the name of the film?


2. What was the theme?

the theme was about how a child finds a way to remember her father.

3. Summarize the story in two sentences (plot).

A little girl and her mom went to go visit the little girls father at the cemetary.

later on that day the little girl finds a way to remember her father.

4. Are there any symbols in the film? How are they used?

No i don't think i saw a symbol in the film.

5. Who characters are in the story and tell me a little about how they interact, if they do. The characters in the story are a child and women they don't really interact their just quiet.

6. Use the technical evaluation information from below to analyze and evaluate the following technical aspects:   

Is the lighting sufficient for the subject/plot?

I think the lighting looked really nice with the film it was bright outside but dark and the film is more on the sad side so i think the lighting is really good.

Is the sound sufficient for viewers to hear and understand?

The sound was just wind so you are able to hear it.

Is the editing done an appealing way to extend the story line and augment viewing?

yes it really is the editing looks good with the filming it has like the intro fading into the seen and it's really good editing.

Are the transitions professional and smooth?  

the transitions are good it doesn't have any cut parts or shows cut parts it just gets straightto scene and i think that's really good.