7A: Mrs. Kurtis

Hello MS Literature Students and Families! Please click on your class below:

Please check your grade-level Google Classroom for updates -- you may be prompted when I post an assignment, which will make your life very easy!

Please also check your grade level pages for a weekly schedule. In SOME cases, you will be assigned something in the beginning of the week, but it won't be due until the following week. You know the drill.

6th & 8th graders -- JUST IN CASE you don't have your novel with you (even after we cleaned out your lockers!), you're in luck because I uploaded copies of all the books. Click on the link on your particular page.

Just like your other teachers, you can expect something from me everyday. Any assignment that will be given has an online component so that you can submit your work to me. I even have "worksheets" where you can type your answers to the Vocab and turn that in! And, YES, there will be online assessments!

I tried to think of everything, but I know you'll have questions. Just know I will be at my computer between 8:00 and noon, and sometimes beyond that. I am also "connected" to email on my phone, so please feel free to reach out to let me know if you're confused about anything. I'm thrilled to be on this journey with you!